amounted to THB 418 mn and THB 67 mn respectively. The difference versus GLAND’s reported statement of comprehensive income comes from the investment properties that CPN recorded at the time of acquisition
business partners through bank network over the world with the national standard which have the various and the comprehensive services such as: - Letter of Credit - Bills for Collection - Trust Receipt
GLAND’s reported statement of comprehensive income comes from the investment properties that CPN recorded at the time of acquisition of GLAND, which reflected the fair value of GLAND’s investment properties
% 4,289 4,563 (6.0)% Net profit 9,447 9,123 9,290 3.6% 1.7% 18,570 18,390 1.0% Net profit * 9,347 9,028 9,194 3.5% 1.7% 18,375 18,199 1.0% Total comprehensive income * 6,276 12,442 2,738 (49.6)% 129.2
business partners through bank network over the world with the national standard which have the various and the comprehensive services such as: - Letter of Credit - Bills for Collection - Trust Receipt
profit 9,290 9,099 8,118 2.1% 14.4% 18,390 16,495 11.5% Net profit * 9,194 9,005 8,047 2.1% 14.3% 18,199 16,352 11.3% Total comprehensive income * 2,738 3,738 6,967 (26.8)% (60.7)% 6,476 13,862 (53.3
2,037 9.0% 9.2% 6,787 5,376 26.2% Net profit 9,129 9,290 8,242 (1.7)% 10.8% 27,519 24,737 11.2% Net profit * 9,030 9,194 8,161 (1.8)% 10.6% 27,229 24,513 11.1% Total comprehensive income * 8,440 2,738
comprehensive course เพื่อลดระยะเวลาที่ผูติดตอตองใชในการ อบรม นอกจากนี้ ในกรณีท่ีจะตองเขารับการอบรมหลายวิชา ผูติดตอสามารถทยอยอบรมเพื่อเก็บวิชาไดดวย - 11 - นอกจากการอบรมเพื่อยกระดับที่กลาวมาแลว ผูติดต
power with business partners through bank network across the world with the national standards with the various and comprehensive services including: - Letter of Credit - Bills for Collection - Trust
143 mn). The difference versus GLAND’s reported statement of comprehensive income comes from the investment properties that CPN recorded at the time of acquisition of GLAND, which reflected the fair