continued to grow considerably contributed by the Bank’s direct sales team. Personal loans amounted to Baht 5,745 million, an increase of 35.5% from the end of 2016, Micro SMEs loans including SME Car3x loans
top 10 risks from 2014 to 2018. 4 For Thailand, data fraud and theft was placed among the top five categories of cyber threats in 2017, according to the Thailand Computer Emergency Response Team
. บริษทัท่ำนไดจ้ดัใหมี้กำรรำยงำนเหตุกำรณ์และจุดอ่อนท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งกบัควำมปลอดภยั อยำ่งไร ก ำหนดผูรั้บผิดชอบเก่ียวกบักำรประเมิน และบริหำรเหตุกำรณ์ดำ้นควำมปลอดภยั ดำ้นสำรสนเทศ (incident response team) ก ำหนดขั้น
, having an effectiveness and correct integrity and satisfies the need prior to transfer for operating in real condition. [M] · In the importance operation, there shall be an agency or independent team for
effectiveness and correct integrity and satisfies the need prior to transfer for operating in real condition. [M] o In the importance operation, there shall be an agency or independent team for examining that
also embarked on a journey to make the organization ready for the future. Initiatives in this regard include the recent strengthening of the management team with the recruitment of the Chief Strategy
continued growth aspirations, IVL has also embarked on a journey to make the organization ready for the future. Initiatives in this regard include the recent strengthening of the management team with the
. The progress are on schedule with close monitoring from management team. Both projects have the scheduled COD by June 2019 of which immediately record the revenue from EVN. Interchem, waste to energy
guidelines could result in offering no benefit to the Company and the shareholders. Therefore, the management team has conducted studies to find solutions to minimize the effects of this project. The Company
project on the basis of the existing guidelines could result in offering no benefit to the Company and the shareholders. Therefore, the management team has conducted studies to find solutions to minimize