เห็น จ ำนวน 2 คร้ัง ผำ่นทำงเวบ็ไซตข์องส ำนกังำน และกำรรับฟัง ควำมคิดเห็นเฉพำะกลุ่ม (“focus group”) กบัผูป้ระกอบกิจกำร startup ผูส้นใจประกอบธุรกิจเป็น funding portal และผูล้งทุน ประเภท angel investor 2
investment in foreign securities, for example, lawsuits/ legal proceedings, investor protection rights related to corporate matters, restrictions related to money transfer to other countries (if any), etc. The
foreign securities, for example, lawsuits/ legal proceedings, investor protection rights related to corporate matters, restrictions related to money transfer to other countries (if any), etc. The aforesaid
having shareholder being person as prescribed in (1) to (13) combining hold shares exceed 75% of share which entitle to vote; (15) foreign investors having qualifications as the investor prescribed in (1
the investor prescribed in (1) and (2) “retail client” means client other than an institutional client; “inside information” means any information which substantial to the change of price of the
) to (13) combining hold shares exceed 75% of share which entitle to vote; (15) foreign investors having qualifications as the investor prescribed in (1) and (2) “retail client” means client other than
counsel of the plaintiff Plaintiff and the counsel of the plaintiff are able to conduct the case in such a way to justly and sufficiently protect the right of the class of persons.5 The plaintiff shall
base and new customers and increase new products such as Early Warning Score Program (EWS): Program to warn and aware to protect Septicemia, Linkage system of other medial with Anesthesia Record System
discrepancy between the two Acts, which one auditor should adhere to? A: The requirement on information disclosure aims to protect auditor who has discovered suspicious circumstance acquired from normal
prevent and detect frauds in a timely manner can help protect the interest of shareholders and build confidence in the managerial duty performed by management and confidence in the financial reporting