services with financial management expertise from global fund manager Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited, and Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited, and INVESCO Asset Management, the
global fund manager Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited, and Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited and INVESCO Asset Management, the global fund manager signed the memorandum of
services with financial management expertise from global fund manager Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited, and Land and Houses Bank Public Company Limited, and INVESCO Asset Management, the
แผนท่ีจะขยำยกำรลงทุนเข้ำไปสู่ธุรกิจพลังงำนหมุนเวียนให้มำกขึ้น • ดร.เติมชัย บุนนำค ประธำนเจ้ำหน้ำที่บริหำรและกรรมกำรผู้จัดกำรใหญ่ ได้รับรำงวัล Best CEO ผู้น ำองค์กรยอดเยี่ยมแห่งปี บริษัทฯ ได้รับ 3 รำงวัล
Chairman is the CEO, reports to the Corporate Governance Committee. 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 Page 48 Note: Align with IFRS S2 Paragraph 6 ท าความรูจ้กักบัมาตรฐานการเปิดเผยขอ้มลูดา้นความยัง่ยนื (IFRS Sustainability
ปล่อยก๊ำซเรือนกระจก ประธำนกรรมกำร / CEO 1 ม.ค. 1 ม.ค. 2564 2565 แบบ filing เนื้อหำ 56-1 One Report 10 หัวข้อกำรบรรยำย Introduction to One Report Amendment on Business, MD&A and Financial Disclosure
subsidiary which has been completely established on 27 June 2017, as the REIT Manager. In this regard, all matters require the resolution of the CPNRF unitholders’ meeting and the approval from the SEC. The
,*$, ก 7ก!Y, Fund Ticker ARKQ CUSIP 00214Q203 K&& K/8(Benchmark) - S&P 500 Index - MSCI World Index 6ก8 USD TUKก!ก (Manager) ARK Investment Management LLC 3QY"5 (website) !!*$&U"w
brokerage; (8) derivatives advisory providing investment planning to clients or using software programs in providing services to clients; (9) derivatives manager; In the case that an intermediary under the
brokerage; (8) derivatives advisory providing investment planning to clients or using software programs in providing services to clients; (9) derivatives manager; In the case that an intermediary under the