ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะหข์องฝ่ำยจดักำร ส ำหรบัผลกำรด ำเนินงำนไตรมำสท่ี 2 ปี 2560 ส้ินสดุวนัท่ี 30 มิถนุำยน 2560 1 ค ำนิยำม ADB = ธนาคารพฒันาเอเชยี (Asian Development Bank) COD = วนัเปิดด าเนินการเชงิ
innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their expenses and service convenience such as; 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction
implementing plan to Digital Economy which the bank give the prioritize to promote the product innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their
Digital Economy which the bank give the prioritize to promote the product innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their expenses and service
products development and digital financial services for provide the time saving to the customers, expense saving and convenient service such as: 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction with
products development and digital financial services for provide the time saving to the customers, expense saving and convenient service such as: 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction with
Public Company Limited have jointly submitted the proposal under the name of “BBS Joint Venture” for the bidding of the U-Tapao International Airport and Eastern Aviation City Development project to the
Company Limited have jointly submitted the proposal under the name of “BBS Joint Venture” for the bidding of the U-Tapao International Airport and Eastern Aviation City Development project to the Royal Thai
, including digital businesses in order to emphasizing on the intensive content and brands in 4 core businesses through the integration and the development of platform from the Offline-Online-On ground. Thus
Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,504 2,453 2,498 2.1% 0.2% 4,956 4,939 0.3% Debt issued and borrowings 1,533 1,530 1,279 0.2% 19.9% 3,063 2,606 17.5% Total interest expenses