) the Financial Institutions Development Fund; (j) the Government Pension Fund; (k) a provident fund; (l) a mutual fund; (m) a juristic person whose audited financial statements of the latest year record
Financial Institutions Development Fund; (j) the Government Pension Fund; (k) a provident fund; (l) a mutual fund; (m) a juristic person whose audited financial statements of the latest year record capital
Financial Institutions Development Fund; (j) the Government Pension Fund; (k) a provident fund; (l) a mutual fund; (m) a juristic person whose audited financial statements of the latest year record capital
customers to switch an operator, pressuring industry’s ARPU. Convergence players continued their focus on cross-selling to increase revenue per household. Moreover, with development in game industry, low
Development Corporation, Panoli เ มื อง Ankleshwar รัฐคชุราต (Gujarat) ประเทศอินเดีย ก าลงัการผลติ (กิโลเมตริกตนัตอ่ปี) สารลดแรงตงึผิว (Surfactants) และเอมีน (Amines) 16 ขนาดพืน้ท่ี 5 เอเคอร์ โครงสร้างพืน้ฐาน
68.9% - Power Plants under Constuction and Development (2.9) (1.7) 68.5% (7.3) (6.5) 12.5% 1 Definition of Normalized Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent is changed to Profit attributable to
deferred revenue as mentioned earlier, compared to the gross profit margin from sale of investment properties to HREIT in the same period of last year. Industrial Development Business Q2 2018 Q2 2019
ยก์ำรคำ้ใหม ่กำรปรับปรุงศนูยก์ำรคำ้ทีเ่ปิดด ำเนนิกำรอยู่แลว้ และ ธรุกจิอสงัหำรมิทรัพยป์ระเภทอืน่ตำมแผนกำรพัฒนำโครงกำรอสงัหำรมิทรัพยแ์บบผสม (Mixed- use Development) เชน่ โครงกำรทีพั่กอำศัย รวมถงึกำรศกึษำโอ
Air Conditioner (WATER INT PAD: Water Intelligent). In addition the Company still development quality of product and service followed by client’s standard that appropriate with their business. The
the Company hold 100 percent shares engaging in the business of public utility in relation to the land development for the purpose of the water business project, all power business and the business