renovation of three hotels under Dusit Thani brand, and caused by a temporarily weaker demand from catering and convention during the mourning period and the royal funeral of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Earnings
3.79 8.33 220% Earnings per share (บำท) 0.04 0.01 0.03 220% บริษัท สุธำกัญจน์ จ ำกัด (มหำชน) 4 ค ำอธิบำยและกำรวิเครำะห์ของฝ่ำยจัดกำร สิ้นสุดวนัที่ 31 ธันวำคม 2560 สรุปข้อมูลฐำนะทำงกำรเงิน ส ำหรับปี ณ วัน
31.3 Total liabilities 3,068.5 3,352.1 (283.6) (8.5) Issued and paid-up share capital 5,088.0 5,088.0 - - Share Premium 3,896.0 3,896.0 - - Retained earnings - Unappropriated 2,425.5 1,831.9 593.6 32.4
earnings offset by TFRS9 adoption. Cash flow (Post TFRS 9&16) In 9M20, Cash flow from operation reported Bt59,235mn increasing +5.9%YoY mainly from the reclassification of lease liabilities of Bt8,774mn from
Total liabilities 7,743.2 8,315.1 (571.9) (6.9) Issued and paid-up share capital 4,579.0 4,579.0 - - Retained earnings - unappropriated 1,585.5 1,015.5 570.0 56.1 Deficit (22.9) (22.9) - - Total equity
earnings. As a result, AIS financial position remained strong with a current ratio and an interest coverage (EBIT over interest expense) ratio of 0.4x and 13x, respectively. At the end of FY19, interest
1.6 Total liabilities 3,352.1 8,315.1 (4,963.0) (59.7) Issued and paid-up share capital 5,088.0 4,579.0 509.0 11.1 Share Premium 3,896.0 - 3,896.0 100.0 Retained earnings - Unappropriated 1,831.9
+ จำนวนหุ้นรองรับที่เสนอขายครั้งนี้ Earnings per share dilution = Earning per share ก่อนเสนอขาย - Earning per share หลังเสนอขาย Earning per share ก่อนเสนอขาย โดย Earning per share ก่อนเสนอขาย = กำไรสุทธิ
Company Limited Interim Management Discussion and Analysis for the 1st Quarter 2019 Page 5 of 11 Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) Unit: Million Baht 1Q 2019 1Q 2018
subsidiaries offsetting while the Company recognized THB 123 million revenue from new business. Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (“EBITDA”) reported THB 222 million decrease 52.3