was only customer to AIPT, therefore such transaction will not show in Revenue. Revenue from Ice Cube Factory to total revenue for the 2nd quarter of year 2015 and 2014 were 0.82% and 0.67% respectively
business and electricity production business. Therefore, there was no similar type of business in the industry that can be used as a benchmark for comparison. Not include transaction related to the novation
Crossroads not Page 4 of 5 being consolidated upon the Company’s investment in 1st Phase Development of Crossroads in February 2018, as mentioned previously. Other Business Performance of this part constitutes
back to the Company. Not only macro factors benefit to the Company, but also the data from the Bank of Thailand support that Gross NPL at the end of 2018 was 439,790 million Baht higher than 14,211
EBITDAR margins are not standard measures, nor measurements of financial performance or liquidity, under TFRS, and should not be considered alternatives to net profit (loss) or any other performance measure
Company and its subsidiaries and allowance doubtful account increased by Baht 9 million and employee benefits for employees who have worked with the Company 20 years or more to receive compensation not less
compensation not less than the last 400 days' wage rate under the Labor Protection Act (No. 7) BE 2562. The total expenses of the Group increased by 11.4%(y-o-y) , which is higher than the total revenue
also resulted in a cannibalization effect. Consequently, same store sales growth for HomePro did not meet target. However, in response to the above effects, the Company has organized various activities
also resulted in a cannibalization effect. Consequently, same store sales growth for HomePro did not meet target. However, in response to the above effects, the Company has organized various activities
restructured the shareholding of the subsidiaries among the group. This resulted in some investment gains from such restructuring in a subsidiary, Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) AG. Such gain did not affect