shareholders was Bt3,418mn while investment in the RLP JV caused Bt788mn. In the quarter, AIS paid back Bt9,285mn of borrowings. In summary, an outstanding cash was Bt8,499mn, a decrease of Bt2,151mn from end
254 ลานบาท คาใชจายในการขายและบริหาร คาใชจายในการขายและบริหาร (“SG&A”) ประกอบดวย คาใชจายบุคลากรในสวนงานสนับสนุน (Back office) คาใชจายทาง การตลาดและสงเสริมภาพลักษณองคกร คาวัสดุส้ิน
แก่ลูกค้า • ต้องจัดให้มีการ call back โดย compliance officer หรือ senior officer เพ่ือยืนยัน ความถูกต้องในการเปิดบัญชี และสอบทานว่าลูกค้าเข้าใจเงื่อนไขการให้บริการอย่างชัดเจน • ต้องมีการทบทวนสัญญาการให้
lower-than-expected net profit performance was negatively impacted by an expected event in Malaysia, where advertisers cut back their spending due to the country’s sluggish economy during the first half
Khiang. At the branch support and back- office, the Group will put efforts and resources into improving operational efficiency by investing in IT systems. Performance New Branch Openings in 2019 Brand
the measure on managing deteriorated dead inventories. In case of slow-moving inventories, the Company would release such inventories according to the buy-back agreement with - 8 - INTEGRITY QUALITY
Chemicals Public Company Limited | 12 As of June 31, 2017, the company had cash from operating activities of Baht 935 million from net profit of Baht 216 million adding back non-cash items of Baht 335 million
million or 51.4% on the back of both domestic and overseas sales. Revenue from sales Unit: THB million 3-month period ending Change 6-month period ending Change 30 Jun 16 30 Jun 17 Amount % 30 Jun 16 30 Jun
sales For the Q2/2017, our revenue from sales amounted to THB 3,507 million, up by THB 1,191 million or 51.4% on the back of both domestic and overseas sales. Revenue from sales Unit: THB million 3-month
continued to pay back the loan for “MahaNakhon” project since it started recognizing the revenue in April 2016. Profit and Loss Results In Q2 2017, the Company had net profit of 5,492.5 Million Baht or 213