% 110% 120% Pe rc en ta ge o f T ot al D is tr ib ut io n Range of Replacement Rates (Max - Min) obtain from strategically timing the start of Social Security benefits (e.g., delaying the initial claiming
appointing a debenture holder representative; (3) obtain approval for a person having qualifications as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board to be a debenture holder
) submit a draft agreement appointing a debenture holder representative; (3) obtain approval for a person having qualifications as specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board to be
terms and conditions stating the rights and duties of the debenture issuer and the debenture holders; (2) submit a draft agreement appointing a debenture holder representative; (3) obtain approval for a
acquired asset is considered as an exemption of new listing application as all 4 criteria of the following apply is required to disclose information on the Transaction to the SET; obtain approval from the
Clause 3.2).NDR is required to disclose information on the Transaction to the SET; obtain approval from the shareholders’ meeting of NDR with votes of not less than three-fourths of the total votes of the
issued ordinary shares at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2017, the Company must obtain an approval from the SEC to offer the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific investor
, the Company must obtain an approval from the SEC to offer the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific investor pursuant to the Notification No. TorJor. 72/2558 before the allocation and offering of
the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2017, the Company must obtain an approval from the SEC to offer the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific investor pursuant to the
employees, which can be applied to work process, increase work efficiency and obtain the competitive advantages over competitors. 2. Significant events in 2019 2.1 The progress in construction projects 2.1.1