จดักำรกองทุนส่วนบคุคล(staff dealing rule) หลกัปฏิบติัในกำรซ้ือขำยหลกัทรัพยเ์พ่ือบริษทั (proprietary trading) พนกังำนท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งกบักำรจดักำรกองทุนส่วนบคุคล (staff deal หลกัปฏิบติัในกำรซ้ือขำยหล
of the business restructuring of the Company to deal with the effect of current economic recession, and to pursue its strategy and policy of the Company to focus on the core business that the Company
expenses since the Company can use the proceeds received from the disposal of assets to partially repay the debts. 7.4 This disposal of asset is a part of the business restructuring of the Company to deal
in place for how the organization will deal with the impacts of exception events (e.g. droughts, floods, severe pollution events, extreme storms, winds etc.) The issuer has monitoring and reporting
) Enhance appearance of BPP to be more public. 4) After listed in mai, UAPC’s value will be accurately reflected and will increase share liquidity. 8. Plans on Using Fund from IPO UAPC expects to use fund
expansion for growth in Southeast Asia. We successfully converted static billboards into digital billboards, which now cover 32 provinces in Thailand. This effort is expected to enhance our returns, generate
the new Khiang brand which was launched at the end of 2018. Furthermore, 2 new brands were opened at the end of 2019 to further enhance the variety of restaurants in the Group, these being Foo Flavor
, AIS Fibre recorded 373,900 subscribers, a net addition of 72,400, and represented 1.7% of service revenue. In addition, we sought to create differentiation through digital contents and enhance customer
expanded headcount, which is rapidly developing and investing in its burgeoning data acquisition and analytics capabilities to uncover opportunities to enhance customers and shareholder return. Consequently
with such investment targeting to ultimately enhance the Company’s growth planned to complete within the 1st quarter of 2018. It has been, however, decided to cease the study of one project on Ram Indra