expenses consist of 2.5.1 Personnel expenses means remuneration paid to the staff member and employee, namely salary, wages, overtime wage, bonus, pension, living allowance, welfare, company contribution
, bonus, pension, living allowance, welfare, company contribution paid to the provident fund, income tax paid by the company etc.. 2.5.2 Premises and equipment expenses means depreciation, rent, repair and
สิน้ไปเมือ่ปลำยปีทีผ่่ำนมำ โดยท ำกำรปรับโฉม ใหมภ่ำยใตแ้นวคดิ “Where Nature Meets Urban Living” ผสมผสำนชวีติคนเมอืงใหใ้กลช้ดิ ตดิธรรมชำต ิเปิดโซนใหม ่เพิม่พืน้ทีพั่กผอ่นและพืน้ทีส่เีขยีว รวมถงึพืน้ที ่Co
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A CorpL4.1hig A Executive Summary of Management Discussion and Analysis 1 For the Year Ending December 31, 2019 Thai economy in 2019 showed decelerating growth at 2.4 percent compared to 4.2 percent in the previous year.The slowdown could be attributed to exports which contracted further due to the stronger Baht and a global economic slowdown. In addition, the investment environment of both the public and private sector remained weak, and private consumption, albeit gro...
services as a national business service type in a standard definition category Channel SPRING 26 Type of Programs Presenting a world-class documentary providing useful information for living, inspiration for
makeshift living quarter in circumstances where the outbreak has become widespread. Bangchak service stations has measures in place for strict management of hygiene at various touch points such as staff at
last year. Power consumption of household sector increased by 10.1%, in line with the economic and living indices of Thai househol ds, which has improved slightly. On the other hand, the power
, change patterns in tourism, and adversely impact economic growth. Poverty, inequality, and ageing population continue to be social challenges. As of 2014, 7.1 million Thais were still living in poverty
companies in the Group. It aims at conducting business to resolve social, community and environmental issues, and also at promoting employment of people living in local communities in an efficient and
อสิทธิใน การมีมาตรฐานการครองชีพอยBางเพียงพอ (Right to adequate standard of living) แลJว ยังอาจสBงผลกระทบ ตBอชื่อเสียง ภาพลักษณ6 การตลาด หรือแมJกระทั่งดJานการเงินไดJ ดังนั้น การจัดทำ HRDD จะชBวยใหJองค6กร