”) โดย BCP และ RM ซึง่ถอื หุน้ในบรษัิทร่วมทุนสัดส่วน 51:49 ประมาณการมูลค่าการลงทุนในโครงการเท่ากับ 550 ลา้นบาท ซึง่เป็นสว่นของ BCP ประมาณ 281 ลา้นบาท การพัฒนาโครงการรูปแบบผสม (Mixed-use development) ร่วม
ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะหข์องฝ่ำยจดักำร ส ำหรบัผลกำรด ำเนินงำนไตรมำสท่ี 2 ปี 2560 ส้ินสดุวนัท่ี 30 มิถนุำยน 2560 1 ค ำนิยำม ADB = ธนาคารพฒันาเอเชยี (Asian Development Bank) COD = วนัเปิดด าเนินการเชงิ
innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their expenses and service convenience such as; 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction
implementing plan to Digital Economy which the bank give the prioritize to promote the product innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their
4.2% 6.3% 15,981 16,418 (2.7)% Interbank and money market items 307 242 266 26.9% 15.4% 805 868 (7.3)% Contributions to the Deposit Protection Agency and Financial Institutions Development Fund 2,442
Digital Economy which the bank give the prioritize to promote the product innovation development and digital financial service for helping customers’ save traveling time, reduce their expenses and service
products development and digital financial services for provide the time saving to the customers, expense saving and convenient service such as: 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction with
products development and digital financial services for provide the time saving to the customers, expense saving and convenient service such as: 3.1 LH Bank M Choice Service is a financial transaction with
week respectively. In consequence, the route network development affected ASK growth at 9.7 percent compared with last year. International point-of-sales were our main target customers. The major
estate development business, whether in the form of a company, trust, or any other form; “net exposure” means the net investment value, whether from direct or indirect investment in a financial instrument