agreement And intangible assets as at 30 September 2019 in the amount of Baht 10.96 million and Baht 4.26 million respectively. Sarun Yansopananan Mr.Sarun Yansopananan ( Chief Executive Officer )
, Mr.Chamroon Chinthammit Chief Executive Officer and President Khon Kaen Sugar Industry Public Company Limited fuel business of subsidiary of Bangchak Corporation PCL. This amalgamation in accounting aspect has
“Purchaser”) which are not the connected person of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Board of Directors also granted the authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, consider, agree, certify
. The SEC findings also revealed that {D}, AEC co-chief executive officer in charge of back office, and {E}, AEC co-chief executive officer in charge of front office, had generally neglected supervision
result, the Settlement Committee imposed the fine of 1,101,000 baht on AEC. The SEC findings also revealed that Thada, AEC co-chief executive officer in charge of back office, and Pisit, AEC co-chief
tracking transactions of listed companies and newly revised regulations and measures. The expert panelists from both the public and private sectors were: (1) Mr. Kulvech Janvatanavit, Chief Executive Officer
แหน่งอื่นท่ีเทยีบเทำ่กับผู้บริหำรสูงสุดขององค์กร (Chief Executive Officer : CEO) 2. เพื่อเป็นแบบประเมินตัวอย่ำงเบือ้งต้น ทีค่ณะกรรมกำรบริษัทจดทะเบียนสำมำรถน ำไปปรับใช้ตำมที่เห็นวำ่ เหมำะสมและสอดคล้องกับ
of staff benefits, deposit of rental and service fee and other non-current liabilities. After Revision Please kindly be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, Mr. Opas Sripayak Chief Executive Officer
Chungwatana Chief Executive Officer
and service fee and other non-current liabilities. Please kindly be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, Mr. Opas Sripayak Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director