Economic Development Zone, Rushan, Weihai, Shandong, China Capital Structure Registered Capital: WBS has a registered capital of RMB 85.00 million, divided into 85,000,000 ordinary shares with a par value of
, and SAGUSA. Date of Registration 22 December 2013 Head Office’s Location No.2, Kaituosan Rd., Rushan Economic Development Zone, Rushan, Weihai, Shandong, China Capital Structure Registered Capital: WBS
aims the rapid growth so that it is interested to invest in the tourist business which is one of the outstanding business and one of the development plan to develop digital innovation business. In
, such development can be described as follows: - Translation - Page 2 of 11 2015 Domestic Sales Energy Drinks Sports Drinks Other Branded Products 3rd-party Products 2016 Domestic Sales 5,477 614 51 238
23 WE-TRBOND-A ในสกลุเงินของกลุ่มประเทศ Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) หรือประเทศ นอกกลุ่ม Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NON-OECD) กไ็ด ้ 3. กอง
securities for making a short sale, including risks arising from depositing money with the securities company where such money will not be protected by the Financial Institutions Development Fund. The
) Fareast Renewable Development Pte. Ltd. (“FRD”) ซึ่งเปนการรวมคาที่ถือหุนในโรงไฟฟา พลังนํ้า Asahan-1 ในสาธารณรัฐอินโดนีเซีย มีกําไรตามสัดสวนการลงทุนรอยละ 50 จํานวน 59.40 ลานบาท จาก การที่บรษัท อาร
operating result of THB 103 million lower than 1H18’s. This result was mainly from the increase in expenses for future development such as staffs’ wages, rental fee of the temporary office, consulting fee for
operating result of THB 103 million lower than 1H18’s. This result was mainly from the increase in expenses for future development such as staffs’ wages, rental fee of the temporary office, consulting fee for
projects which are currently under development and/or construction. (Translation) 13 power generation capacity ranked third in Thailand (4,835 MW). Therefore, it is an important opportunity to significantly