-month period of the prescribed time, VAVA can sell 25% of such shares. Therefore, the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee and/or Managing Director and/or the person(s) who is authorized by
-month period of the prescribed time, VAVA can sell 25% of such shares. Therefore, the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee and/or Managing Director and/or the person(s) who is authorized by
/ Chief Executive Office 5. Mr.Apivut Thongkam Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee 6. Mr.Chaiyasit Puvapiromquan Independent Director and Member of the Audit Committee 7. Mr. Thanachai
renewable businesses. GPSC - Q3/2020 Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) 2 Executive Summary 62% 63% 61% 5% 4% 5% 19% 18% 19% 4% 4% 5% 10% 10% 11% 13,835 12,488 11,217 Q3/19 Q2/20 Q3/20 55% 56% 57% 23
million from the recognition of GLOW’s performance, reflecting strong growth in both the operation of the two businesses and the Company’s net profit, which increased by Baht 659 million. Executive Summary
accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Peerapong Jaroon-ek) Director and Chief Executive Officer Authorized Signatory (Translation) OOrriiggiinn PPrrooppeerrttyy PPuubblliicc CCoommppaannyy LLiimmiitteedd 496, Moo
. Executive Summary Operating Highlights in Q1/2019 1 Q1/18 Q4/18 Q1/19 Changes +/(-) (Unit: Million Baht) QoQ YoY Operating revenue 5,743 5,863 9,067 55% 58% Gross Profit 1,648 1,265 2,493 97% 51% EBITDA 1,483
the lease agreements (TFRS 16). Executive Summary Q1/2020 Operating SummaryHighlights Note: 1. Since the Q1/2020, the company has changed the classification of expenses, therefore, the gross profit
Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31 December 2018 Page 19/21 Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited runs a business to manage mutual fund
Company Limited Land and Houses Fund Management Company Limited run a business to manage mutual fund, property fund, real estate investment trust, provident fund and private fund. Overview of Fund