Discussion and Analysis for 3rd quarter ended as of September 30, 2020 Attention: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand AI Energy Public Company Limited (AIE) would like to submit the financial statement
principal assets of mutual fund; "Exchange" means the Stock Exchange of Thailand; "major investor" means a person having any of the following characteristics: (1) persons who have acquired the initial units
Governance is an international standard adopted by many countries. The Stock Exchange of Thailand, for example, applied them to the making of the SET Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies
otherwise specified in Clause 22, the preparation of the registration under this Chapter, an asset trustee may assign the Stock Exchange of Thailand or person who is authorized to provide service as the
, directors, executives, or the related persons must be passed through approval procedures as defined in , for example, by the articles of corporation, the regulation of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and SEC
นวนสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้ท่ีผูไ้ดรั้บ ใบอนุญาตใหบ้ริการในศูนยซ้ื์อขายสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้ ทั้งน้ี ในกรณีท่ีเป็นสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหนา้ท่ี อา้งอิงราคาหุน้รายตวั (single stock futures) ท่ีมีราคาไม่เกิน 100 บาท
Governance is an international standard adopted by many countries. The Stock Exchange of Thailand, for example, applied them to the making of the SET Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies
การเขา้ท า แกไ้ขเพิ่มเติม หรือยกเลิกสัญญาท่ีมีนยัส าคญั โดยมิได ้ มีลกัษณะเป็นการด าเนินการปกติในทางธุรกิจของกิจการ (4) การซ้ือหุน้คืนของกิจการ (treasury stock) หรือการก่อใหห้รือสนบัสนุนให้ บริษทัยอ่ย
://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcae.2016.09.001 Antweiler, W., & Frank, M. Z. (2004). Is All That Talk Just Noise? The Information Content of Internet Stock Message Boards. The Journal of Finance, 59(3), 1259–1294
this report companies on the Thai Stock Exchange and recommendations on policy actions of Thai regulators in this report will ensure that ESG reporting among companies in the Thai capital market remains