-operation and Development (“OECD”) ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ ㌀⸀ ⬀ᤎ䠎✎∎㈎ᤎĎ㌎Ďㄎᨎᐎ㤎䄎┎Ȏⴎᬎ⌎『䀎ᜎ⠎ᜎ㔎䠎ⴎ∎㤎䠎䌎ᤎᬎ⌎『㈎Ўℎ䀎⠎⌎⤎ဎĎ㐎ࠎⴎ㈎䀎㔎∎ᤎ⠀䄀匀䔀䄀一 䔀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀⤀ ⠀ᰀ䄠䔀䌀ᴀ⤠㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀ㰀瀀㸀숀 ꃂ숀 (ข) ต้องเป็นการให้คำแนะนำผ่านบริษัท
-operation and Development (“OECD”) ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ ㌀⸀ ⬀ᤎ䠎✎∎㈎ᤎĎ㌎Ďㄎᨎᐎ㤎䄎┎Ȏⴎᬎ⌎『䀎ᜎ⠎ᜎ㔎䠎ⴎ∎㤎䠎䌎ᤎᬎ⌎『㈎Ўℎ䀎⠎⌎⤎ဎĎ㐎ࠎⴎ㈎䀎㔎∎ᤎ⠀䄀匀䔀䄀一 䔀挀漀渀漀洀椀挀 䌀漀洀洀甀渀椀琀礀⤀ ⠀ᰀ䄠䔀䌀ᴀ⤠㰀⼀瀀㸀ഀ㰀瀀㸀숀 ꃂ ⠀Ȁ⤎㰀猀甀瀀㸀㔀㰀⼀猀甀瀀㸀 ᔀ䤎ⴎ䀎ᬎ䜎ᤎĎ㈎⌎䌎⬎䤎Ў㌎䄎ᤎ『ᤎ㌎ᰎ
MMOU”) ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ ㈀⸀ 숀 หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลของประเทศที่อยู่ในกลุ่มประเทศ Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) ꃂ 숀 ꃂ 숀 ꃂ ㌀⸀ 숀 หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลของ
MMOU”) (ข) หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลในกลุ่มประเทศ Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) (ค
from the Group continuing expansion and new project development. Finance costs Q2-2021 Q1-2022 Q2-2022 6M-2021 6M-2022 THB Mn THB Mn THB Mn %QoQ %YoY THB Mn THB Mn %YoY Finance costs 35.7 34.5 29.1 (15.7
development and recognition of the provision of damages from litigation case which the civil court ordered the sentence in the third quarter of 2022. Finance costs Q3-2021 Q2-2022 Q3-2022 9M-2021 9M-2022 THB Mn
project development. Furthermore, in the year 2022, the Group also recognised the provision of damages from civil case which the civil court ordered the sentence and loss from impairment of assets. Finance
employees to support the business expansion, pre-operation expenses as the result from the Group continuing expansion and new project development and expenses related to the bidding of the projects for
expansion and new project development and expenses related to the bidding of the projects for procuring electricity from renewable sources of the government sector. In first quarter of 2023, the Group were
already delivered in 2023. Unearned revenue increased by THB 2.44 million (+11.80%) as the Company received advance payment from suppliers for marketing development funds. Corporate income tax payable