appropriate as fixing the base price with certain discount will accommodate and allow flexibility in the divestment procedure of the Company, which is a sale of investment monies in business at quite a high
appropriate as fixing the base price with certain discount will accommodate and allow flexibility in the divestment procedure of the Company, which is a sale of investment monies in business at quite a high
cover at least the following managements and systems: (1) determining strategies, policies, objectives and operational procedure clearly, thoroughly and obviously; (2)3 determining organization structure
management structure and operating system as prescribed in Clause 11 shall cover at least the following managements and systems: (1) determining strategies, policies, objectives and operational procedure
management structure and operating system as prescribed in Clause 11 shall cover at least the following managements and systems: (1) determining strategies, policies, objectives and operational procedure
submitted by the applicant to the SEC Office and certifies that the procedure for increasing capital of the REIT being rightfully in accordance with the trust instrument and this Notification and other
Procedure, Part II Criminal Procedure, Chapter 224 Protection of Witness (Section 3521) โดยบทบญัญติัดังกล่ำวให้ อำนำจรัฐมนตรีว่ำกำรกระทรวงยุติธรรมหรืออัยกำรสูงสุดในกำรพิจำรณำให้ควำมคุ ้มครองพยำนบุคคล (witness
we summarize the procedure. In each case that we test, for both the cases that serve as benchmarks and those that deploy one or more of the five strategies we describe above, we generate a matrix of
long-horizon funds respectively. The sample period is May 2005 to January 2017. Standard errors are computed using the Newey-West procedure with one-month lag, and t-statistics are reported in brackets
operating procedure of HRDD which clearly outlines the process for identifying and managing human rights risks. Berli Jucker PCL s HRDD Standard Operating Procedure document describes how their human rights