period of 30 years with no condition of volume production and compensation to issuer. But the license cannot transfer if the issuer not allow. 3) Investment Budget Investment budget by project management
opinion; “collateral” means a collateral for compensation of damage to a customer arising from incorrect or incomplete performance of duties of the investment advisory company, i.e. : (a) insurance policy
indirect subsidiary received from an insurance company amounting to Baht 171.9 million. The claim was compensation from the event of damaged machinery during the test run, before COD, and the Plant is COD in
be entitled to receive not less than 400 days’ compensation, compared to 300 days previously Revenue Breakdown Revenue growth YoY Sim&Device Sale IC&TOT Partnership Fixed Broadband Mobile business
employment for the employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more, with such employees entitled to receive not less than 400 days’ compensation at the latest wage rate. And also
220.00 million baht. From a limited time compared to the cost of investing in high value assets including service costs that have continued to increase, such as compensation for employees and doctors
entering into the disposition transaction of the land to the connected party. Remuneration policy : Determine the compensation from the land appraisal price of the property appraiser and the negotiation
income. Public spending also increased from spending on goods and services and compensation expenses while capital spending declined from the high base effect of last year from the disbursement of
operate completed expressway sectors and compensation for site acquisition cost. For the second quarter of the year 2019, the cost was at Baht 1,482 Million, representing an increase from the same quarter
2560 โรงไฟฟ้าไตรเอนเนอจีไดร้บัเงนิชดเชยรายไดต้ามสญัญาเดนิเครื#องและบํารุงรกัษา (Liquidate Damage Compensation) เป็นจํานวน 2.5 ลา้นเหรยีญสหรฐัฯ (เทยีบเท่า 85.60 ลา้นบาท) คําอธบิายรายการและการวเิคราะหผ์