Collateral : The Land and Building of J Town Exclusive – Bangpakong Project. 2 บริษัท เจ. เอส. พ.ีพร็อพเพอร์ตี ้จ ากดั (มหาชน) J.S.P.PROPERTY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 41/1 ถ.พระรามที ่2 ซอย 54 แขวงแสมด า เขตบาง
located at Soi Ruammitpattana Yeak 3 (Eaknakorn village), Ruammitpattana Road, Kwaeng Tahrank, Khet Bangkhen, Bangkok. At the present, assets in the Vacharaphol Project are as follows: 1. Plots of land
significantly. - Rental and service income amounted to Baht 487.21 million, a decrease of Baht 65.76 million or down by 11.89% as the Company has lowered the rent for some tenants in HomePro and Market Village
232.02 million or up by 11.75%, which resulted from higher rental income from expansion of Market Village and leasable areas of HomePro’s and Mega Home’s stores. - Other income was Baht 2,170.56 million
impairment. For the year end of 2019, Company has set up a property impairment which is a swimming pool cub in NEP PARK village with the reason that those property is not generate income. 6. Management benefit
Market Village and income from ‚Home Service‛. - Other income was Baht 495.30 million, an increase of Baht 69.04 million or up by 16.20% due to growth in income from promotional activities with suppliers
PRIVATE LIMITED (ALP FPI) ซึง่ตัง้อยูเ่ลขที่ 673,674 Village: GugalKota, Neemrana, Shahjahnpur, Alwar (Rajasthan), India ซึง่เป็นบริษัทร่วมลงทนุ โดย บริษัทถือหุ้นสามญัในปัจจบุนัอยูท่ี่สดัสว่นร้อยละ 45 โดยอ
shopping center, JAS Village, Amata Nakorn, which is located near the Amata Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province.This has started Soft Opening on August 1, 2020, which is an additional income from the
million or down by 15.04% as the Company has lowered or suspended the rent for tenants in HomePro and Market Village. 1.3. Other income was Baht 455.61 million, an increase of Baht 55.90 million or up by
transfer. This enable the company to recognize the sales revenue in this period. On the other hand, the sales of Town Homes was 31.85 Million Baht, decreased by 30.29 Million Baht, or down by 48.74% Cost of