level of transparency, requiring that the post issuance verification of the issuer’s performance against these targets be made publicly available. This can consequently expose the issuer’s strategy, goal
Notes SET Ministry of Commerce Other related entities Company Profile Assessment National level Listed company level Archive CG CSR Anti-corruption AGM FAQ News/Events FAQ Board roles and responsibilities
Analysis Analysis of Overall Performance The distribution business of the plastic resins, plastic, and petrochemical related products needs relatively high working capital. The key success factors of this
In this Notification: The terms “credit rating”, “bill”, “short-term bill”, “registration statement”, “listed company”, “parent company”, “subsidiary”, “executive”, “controlling person”, “high net
, ecological, social or cultural values which are considered outstandingly significant or critically important, at the national, regional or global level, as defined by the High Conservation Values (HCV
ensure the high quality of financial statements. Executives set tone at the top in a company, and are responsible for the accuracy of financial statements. Other factors such as changes in accounting
market Moderate to high exposure to the capital market Low to moderate exposure to the capital market Low exposure to the capital market Figure 1: The firm-level inspection results, categorized by risk
considering the level of provisions taking into account the prolonged uncertainties from the COVID-19 and recorded total expected credit loss amount for 1Q21 at Baht 1,234 million. The Bank placed importance on
problem of purchasing power and incomes which have not yet recovered. Furthermore the liability stayed in high level and this was slightly speeded up the consumption. Therefore, it affected the expense
Assessment National level Listed company level Archive CG CSR Anti-corruption AGM FAQ News/Events FAQ Board roles and responsibilities One Report ESG Issues AGM FAQ Capital market professionals/gatekeeper CSR