เม่ต์จ านวน 1,074 ล้านบาท เพิ่มขึน้ร้อยละ 12 จากปีก่อน การเพิ่มขึน้ของค่าใช้จ่ายส่วนหนึ่งเกิดจากค่าใช้จ่ายการเร่ิมท าการตลาดกับ PGA tour เพื่อเปิดตวั Consumer Brand Group DEAN & DELUCA Performance Bar และ
also resembles, while we will continue to improve on our journey to zero injuries. Operationally our continued focus on quality and services resulted in recognition from our customers in the form of
, will enhance the Company to expand into new markets and reinforce the business. In addition, it will drive the Company in its journey to become a Health- Driven Global F&B Firm that operates sustainably
demographics through analysed data from the Digital Services Business. We then utilise our transit media inventory and various online channels to engage people throughout their journey on the BTS. McDonald’s
enable advertisers to effectively reach their target audience throughout the entire customer journey. During 2017/18, VGI has started launching new products under its O2O Solutions campaign, which has
percent of the ridership in July 2019. The Company organized “Healthy Journey With BEM” project to hand out 1 million face mask for people and the MRT passengers during June to August 2020, also provided
253,400 เทีย่ว คดิเป็น รอ้ยละ 80 ของปรมิาณผูโ้ดยสารเดอืนกรกฎาคม 2562 บริษัทได้จัดโครงการ Healthy Journey With BEM โดยแจกหน้ากากผ้า 1 ล้านชิ้นฟรีให้กับประชาชนและ ผูใ้ชบ้รกิารรถไฟฟ้า MRT ระหว่างเดอืนมถิุนายน
embarked on a multi-year journey of IT transformation to enhance our time-to-market and simplify internal operational processes, as well as implemented an autonomous network to improve both CAPEX and OPEX
sustainable growth in profitability amid the challenging cost environment. AIS will continue the journey to enhance the autonomous network and improve IT processes & systems to unlock higher efficiency and
technology to optimize process and cost-to-serve and achieve sustainable growth in profitability amid the challenging cost environment. AIS will continue the journey to enhance the autonomous network and