) ในกรณีที่มีการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์แบบ Preferential Public Offering ปัจจุบันมีผู้ออกหลักทรัพย์ได้เสนอขายหลักทรัพย์แบบ Preferential Public Offering1 (“PPO”) โดยมี
เผยข้อมูลการจำกัดการรับสิทธิประโยชน์บางประเภทสำหรับผู้ถือหลักทรัพย์ในบางสัญชาติ (Restricted countries) ในกรณีที่มีการเสนอขายหลักทรัพย์แบบ Preferential Public Offering ตามที่
a bidding process. The Company shall complete such disposal within a period of no more than six months after it is granted the relevant approval by the shareholders meeting. The Company shall invite
baht, approved by the Board of Director Meeting No. 17/2018 which considered by official assessment and third parties. The final date of bidding, there was nobody offering the price. Then, on 26 August
million. The abovementioned disposal of assets shall be made by means of a bidding process. The Company shall complete such disposal within a period of no more than six months after it is granted the
, ( 4 transactions in Land and Buildings of NMG and Land, Building and Machines of WPS) as well as, to specify the details of scope of authorization for divestment of assets through bidding process to be
, ( 4 transactions in Land and Buildings of NMG and Land, Building and Machines of WPS) as well as, to specify the details of scope of authorization for divestment of assets through bidding process to be
, ( 4 transactions in Land and Buildings of NMG and Land, Building and Machines of WPS) as well as, to specify the details of scope of authorization for divestment of assets through bidding process to be