is growing instead of print media. Combined with the rigorous policy of reducing costs particularly, the voluntary redundancy program that company has started since the fourth quarter of 2016. However
increased from the previous year by 0.50 million Baht or 21.05%. The increase is due to the company has better control over cost of service as well as administrative expense. And the company has started to
investment units, multi-tranche investment units, investment limit, investment in infrastructure projects whose construction has not yet been started or remained uncompleted (Greenfield projects), borrowing
time, intermediaries in the capital market have gradually started to use the e-KYC processes._____________________________
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said “SEC prioritizes the protection of investors against fraudulent solicitations, which is one of the core policies of SEC. Therefore, we started
to invest diversely. They can invest in equity securities, debt instruments and alternative assets. Investing in SSF units offers an alternative, especially for those who have just started their
solicited the public to make an investment with the company based on a scheme of the shares investment package started at 1,000 to 1,000,000 bath with a high return of 5 percent of dividend per week for 95
เป็นี้การประเมิินี้ปริมิาณีการปล่อยและดู้ด้กลับัก๊าซเร่อนี้กระจัก (Greenhouse gas emissions and removals) ท้เกิด้ข้นี้จัากกิจักรรมิการด้ำาเนิี้นี้งานี้ ขององค์ำกร โด้ยการแสด้งปริมิาณีค่ำาคำาร์บัอนี้ฟุุตี
as well as new high-end products, which the Company started to produce commercially towards the end of 2016. The increased capacity enabled the Company to increasingly fulfill customers’ orders
or 8.23% because many new products started commercial sales since late of year 2018 particularly sales of spray painting, automotive parts and packaging for milk and yogurt segment. However, sales of