which will benefit investors by using the capital market as an investment source for long-term financial security.Interested parties may visit http://www.sec.or.th for SEC API data service. SEC welcomes
deposits of digital assets from the customers and paying them regular interests or other types of benefits from their own source of fund unless those activities are in accordance with the sale promotion
various e-learning media channels. The Academy is a source of fundamental knowledge for newcomer investors to learn and prepare themselves before venturing into the digital asset world. The easy-to-learn
data, estimation, divestment, and exclusion are more likely. Source: Eastspring, Aladdin, MSCI STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. FOR PROFESSIONAL INVESTORS ONLY. CLIMATE RISK IS A MATERIAL RISK TO THE
value $ 0.6 mn (3 mn new shares x $0.2) Private placement $ 2 mn (10 mn shares x $0.2) 1:1 2:1 Many facets of RTOs 5 ASX and availability of shells Source: The Australian Business Review: July
Source : IFRS Foundation 8 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) SEC Classification : ใช้ภายใน (Internal) ผลกระทบของ ESG ต่อฐานะการเงินและ ผลการด าเนินงานของกิจการ 9 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน
Director from The Care and Health Group Limited Partnership, namely, Mrs. Churairat Sisiri Source of Fund : Cash flow from NCPM’s operation (NCPM shall invest 60% of the authorized capital as per the
knowledge sharing and provide technical assistance • Private Sector : Receive good advice Source: Bank of Thailand’s Directional Paper, Joint Sustainable Finance Initiatives, Krungsri 4 Development of
-finance/2021-updates/The-GBP-Guidance-Handbook- June-2021-140621.pdf Source: “Green Bond Principles”, ICMA, June 2021 https://www.icmagroup.org/assets/documents/Sustainable-finance/2021-updates/The-GBP
funds 53 IPO size IPO size 93 78 91 56 79 20 18 59 48 38 47 Source: Morningstar complied by Research Department of Thai SEC Product values: 4 Target return at X% in Y months • Set a clear target return