revenues from medical services decreased compared to the 9 months period of prior year from 106.77 % to 100.92 % in the 9 months period of 2017, presenting the improvement on cost of service management
) printed documents containing the same information as the draft prospectus submitted to the SEC Office and presenting the following statements on the outside front cover page of the document thereof: (a) the
quarter of 2019, ended September 30, 2019 The operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the third quarter of 2019, ended September 30, 2019 was described in the financial statement showing
2019, ended June 30, 2019 The operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the second quarter of 2019, ended June 30, 2019 was described in the financial statement showing net loss at the
2018, ended 30 June 2018 The operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the second quarter of 2018, ended 30 June 2018, was described in the financial statement showing net loss at the
2020, ended June 30, 2020 The operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the second quarter of 2020, ended June 30, 2020 was described in the financial statement showing net loss at the
quarter of 2020, ended September 30, 2020 The operating results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the third quarter of 2020, ended September 30, 2020 was described in the financial statement showing
operated. However, the ratio of net loss to revenues from medical services decreased compared year 2016 from 24.01% to 15.45% in year 2017, presenting the better operating performance. Summary of Financial
to ensure prompt actions against violations without imposing unnecessary and burdensome rules upon abiding entities;Promotion: presenting the Thai capital market as a robust venue of choice for fund
market by presenting the study results and the progress on preparation for the launch of new products such as TCR, gold futures, stock futures and derivative warrants. We suggested that the association