previous year. The Company had a total revenue of THB 262.84 million, increasing THB 15.94 million, or 6.46% from the previous year The consolidated financial statements show a net profit for the six-month
statements show a net profit for the nine-month period in Q3/2018 of THB 167/41 million; while the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Company in Q3/2018 is THB 137.32 million. The net profit
พัยสิ์นของกองทุนรวม (Swing Pricing) (ถา้มี) หรือค่าธรรมเนียมการซ้ือขายหน่วยลงทุนท่ีสะทอ้นตน้ทุนในการซ้ือขายทรพัยสิ์นของกองทุน รวม (Anti-Dilution Levies – ADLs) (ถา้มี) และสามารถใชร่้วมกบัเคร่ืองมือ
investments show a decrease of 81.00 million baht or 35.48% y-o-y. Account receivables and other receivables is an increase of 84.35 million baht or 64.79% y-o-y. Inventories show a decrease of 27.64 million
under a specific law; (2) being able to show that a work unit responsible for providing services as securities registrar will be established separately from other work units; (3) being able to show that
specific law; (2) being able to show that a work unit responsible for providing services as securities registrar will be established separately from other work units; (3) being able to show that an efficient
year as follows For the three months in Q3/2018 ended September 30, 2018 The company had the operating result for the three months ended September 30, 2018 show a net loss of Baht 12.88 million, compare
specific law; (2) being able to show that a work unit responsible for providing services as securities registrar will be established separately from other work units; (3) being able to show that an efficient
% shareholding of its registered capital held by the Company. The total investment cost of THB 3,570 million consist of THB 3,022 million as the cost of construction, show equipment, theme park design and
. Although, the past 6-month performance of the Company suffered a loss of 15.98 million baht which mainly due to the special cost of share acquisition in Malaysia in Q1/18, but the Q2/18 earnings show that