Information Memorandum on the Asset Acquisition Transaction of Origin One Thonglor Co., Ltd. Are set out as Enclosure 3. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Peerapong Jaroon-ek) Director and
Information Memorandum on the Asset Acquisition Transaction of Origin One Thonglor Co., Ltd. Are set out as Enclosure 3. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Mr. Peerapong Jaroon-ek) Director and
Project Value (THB mn) The Monument Thonglor 123 THE LINE Wongsawang 163 THE LINE Sukhumvit 101 1,320 THE LINE Phahon Pradipat 1,571 THE BASE Petchkasem 29 428 KHUN By Yoo 1,280 THE BASE Sapaan Mai 443
mn) The Monument Thonglor 413 THE LINE Wongsawang 332 THE LINE Sukhumvit 101 933 THE LINE Phahon Pradipat 1,213 THE BASE Petchkasem 29 401 KHUN By Yoo 568 THE BASE Sapaan Mai 424 Total 4,284 For the
616 The Monument Thonglor 203 THE LINE Phahon Pradipat 177 KHUN By Yoo 129 THE LINE Sukhumvit 101 113 THE LINE Wongsawang 37 THE BASE Petchkasem 29 13 Total 1,288 For the second quarter of 2020, the
expense for the annual staff seminar which was postponed from late 2016 for THB 1.69 million or 0.51% of total six-month revenue and recorded loss from closing Maygori at the Common Thonglor branch
seminar which was postponed from late 2016 for THB 1.69 million or 0.32% of total revenue and recorded loss from closing Maygori at the Common Thonglor branch amounting THB 0.96 million or 0.18% of total
นขนาดใหญ คือ โครงการ Park Origin Thonglor 3. เงินปนผลรับ สําหรับงวด 6 เดือน ป 2562 จํานวน 0.3 ลานบาท 4. กําไรจากการจําหนายเงินลงทุนในบริษัทยอย สําหรับงวด 6 เดือน ป 2562 จํานวน 272.1 ลานบาท หรือ
The LINE Wongsawang 42 The MONUMENT Thonglor 1,191 The LINE Sukhumvit 101 2,158 The LINE Phahon-Pradipat 589 THE BASE Phetchkasem 29 196 KHUN BY YOO Thonglor 532 Total 6,090 As of 31 December 2018, the
ชื่อผู้ได้มา/จำหน่าย :?GOOD SHOW HOLDINGS LIMITED | ประเภทหลักทรัพย์ : หุ้น | วันที่มีหน้าที่ : 07/10/2552