as the “Transaction”). The loan of USD 40 million is secured by the personal guarantee of the owner of Sakthi Group, Dr. Manickam Mahalingam, and CEO of Sakthi Automotive Group USA, Inc., Mr. Lalit
นิยามหนี้สินพิเศษเปน “หนี้สิน และภาระผูกพันที่มีกําหนดระยะเวลา ชําระคืนเกินกวา 1 ป และบริษัทไดมี การนําสินทรัพยไปวางประกันไวเต็ม จํานวนกับเจาหนี้แลว (secured liability)” จึงจะนับเปนหนี้สินพิเศษได
costs were largely in line with expectations as was fuel which will reduce significantly for the rest of the year as a result of lower costs secured on the market. Gross profit +5% was ahead of the same
issue secured debenture in the amount of THB 300 million to be repaid the previous debenture which will be due in January caused an increasing in Cash and Cash Equivalents from THB 69.07 million as at
used as tax benefit. In December 2019, The Company issue secured debenture in the amount of THB 300 million to be repaid the previous debenture which will be due in January caused an increasing in Cash
. However, in Q2/2019, the company will have to recognize the interest expense and the advisory fee for the acquisition of GLOW, as well as recognizing the employee benefit expenses for the group. For 1H/2019
- retirement benefit program. And has the effect that the Group has a provision for long- term employee benefits of Bt80 million which will record the effect of such change by recognizing the past service costs
the effect of such change by recognizing the past service costs as expenses in the income statement. However, if excluding such effects the Net profit in the Q2/2019 and the first six months of 2019
, 69.45, 21% Q1/2017 Comparison of revenue from services after the Company began recognizing revenues from Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited. Revenue sharing has increased proportionally from the
Comparison of revenue from services after the Company began recognizing revenues from Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited. Revenue has change with the proportion increase in Air Freight. Summary of