intertuption claims amounted Baht 107.3 million in 2Q2017 Dividend received from Glow IPP of Baht 50.0 million in 2Q2018 Solid operations from higher energy dispatch than the same period of last year. SPP
customer perception. We continue to focus on delivering fair profitability balancing between short- and long- term drivers while keeping our solid financial strength. Market and Competitive Environment As
) convergence strategy to acquire/retain quality customer segments to increase revenue per household. Non-mobile enterprise business also posted solid results with revenue of Bt1,241mn and growth of 30% YoY and
, product bundling, and service excellence. AIS also continues its focus on enterprise customer segments that provide solid margins to grow enterprise non-mobile revenue. Positive momentum in Mobile from
quarter of year 2024 6 the postponed 2024 budget. While demand for new vehicles remains solid, it is currently delayed due to stricter financing options. It’s important to emphasize that the company
to WHAUP in May 2016). KEY HIGHLIGHTS We witnessesd solid performance from both Utilities and Power Business Utilities Business’s Operating Revenue was Baht 383.6 milion, a 7% increase YoY as
3,629mn, declined by 22.7% YoY. In this quarter, MACO outperformed the media industry significantly, delivering solid operating revenue of THB 262mn, an increase by 52.1% YoY. The Company reported net
Dividends Received from Investments in Glow IPP Power Plant1. KEY HIGHLIGHTS We witnessesd solid performance from both Utilities and Power Business Utilities Business’s Operating Revenue was Baht 404.2
-Derived Fuel : RDF) และปุ๋ยอินทรีย์ (Mechanical and Biologival Treatment for Solid Waste Management System: “ระบบ SUT-MBT”) ซึ่งเป็นส่วนงานที่ บริษัทฯ ไม่ได้มีความเชี่ยวชาญมาแต่เดิม เพื่อเป็นการป้องกันมิให้
activity in the first quarter of 2018 continued to expand from the previous quarter, driven mainly by the solid growth momentum of merchandise exports and the tourism sector. Private consumption continued to