30.40 percent in year 2015. The gross profit ratio in year 2015 lower than year 2016 due to usage of construction cost of sales based on progressive work. 4. Gains from sales of immovable property 4.1
Principles on integrated business reporting 8 Part 2: Guidance on disclosure 11 2.1 Forward-looking 11 2.2 Material, relevant and timely 11 2.3 Long-term strategy 12 2.4 Integrated reporting 12 2.5 Key
. Nevertheless, during the project area development, it was found that the neighboring communities around project materially retrieve less waste water from the project. Based on the inspection, it was found that
. Nevertheless, during the project area development, it was found that the neighboring communities around project materially retrieve less waste water from the project. Based on the inspection, it was found that
changing from within July 31, 2017 to complete within November 30, 2017. Nevertheless, during the project area development, it was found that the neighboring communities around project materially retrieve
November 30, 2017. Nevertheless, during the project area development, it was found that the neighboring communities around project materially retrieve less waste water from the project. Based on the
within November 30, 2017. Nevertheless, during the project area development, it was found that the neighboring communities around project materially retrieve less waste water from the project. Based on the
investment is in line with the Company’s business strategy to expand the natural resources business which could be integrated with innovative energy business in order to increase corporate value and diversify
ติภณัฑ์ทางเทคนิคอื่นๆ ทัง้นี ้นบัตัง้แต ่Sinterama ได้เร่ิมก่อตัง้ขึน้ในปี 2511 นัน้ Sinterama มีการน าเสนอแนวทาง แก้ปัญหาเชิงนวตักรรม (Innovative Solutions) และมีการลงทนุในด้านการวจิยัผลติภณัฑ์ที่
innovative products that meet the needs of our customers, making great products for society. 29,056* Total Employees 24.26% Female Sites 147+ 6 Continents 20 27 Recycling R&D facilities centers 35 Countries