opened 1 large branch which is Phetkasem branch using automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) for more efficient in warehouse management and the company opened 5 Dohome To Go branches which are Makro
. (4) establishing an efficient system for recording, collecting and processing data and a data backup system as an alternative in cases where retrieval for use of such data cannot be done; (5
retrieval, prohibition of access to staffs' accounts and passwords by other persons, prohibition of social network sign-up or contact via SEC email addresses without prior approval of the SEC Office, etc
คูม่อืส ำหรบัประชำชน : การยืน่แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูการเสนอขายหุน้ทีอ่อกโดยบรษิทัตา่งประเทศ (primary listing) – เพือ่การมผีลใชบ้งัคบัของแบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลู (ขอ effective แบบ filing) หนว่ยงำนทีใ่หบ้รกิำร
%, primary by higher Gross Profit of High-Valued Document. Excluding extra expenses that are combined as part of the cost of sales in 2Q19. Consisting of the impact of the legal adjustment of compensation for
reported at 21.6%, nearly to %GP 9M18 represented at 21.7%. Excluding TBSP %GP at 17.2%, Company’s core %GP achieved at 24.9%, primary by higher Gross Profit of High-Valued Document. Excluding extra expenses
Exchange Act B.E. 2535 on 16 May 1992. The SEC Thailand has the centralized roles for supervision and development of both primary and secondary markets. This structure also facilitated issuance of new
regulations, and revision to the regulations governing shareholders’ offering of a limited company’s equity in case of trading crowdfunding equity in the secondary market to be in line with the primary
Roles” is the topic that provides information on supervision of SEC which covers supervision of offering of tokens to the public (primary market) and supervision of intermediaries in the trading and
bonds must not have negative issues on good corporate governance and must be invested at the proportion of no less than 60 percent of the net asset value (NAV), either in the primary or secondary