/rexchange168/ Currently, it should also be noted that there is no digital asset issuer approved by SEC at the moment. Therefore, investors should proceed with cautions if being solicited or receiving
rehabilitation on 15 November 2017. The main reasons of the Company filing the rehabilitation are; - This is for the Company to negotiate as well as finding solution with creditors and able to proceed necessary
and able to proceed necessary actions in order to continue its business as normal. - The steel business is considered as the upward trend and strong demand for Thailand which is in line with economic
abroad at a significantly unreasonable price, selling NUSA condominium units at a price lower than the appraised price, and transferring NUSA funds into personal accounts and those of close associates. As
securities of her client without authorization and taking the profits from the sales of such securities for her own personal gain. Amornrat deceived the client into transferring the profit money to her
personal bank account supposedly for the investors? securities purchases. She also tricked her clients into transferring their money to her personal bank account, claiming that she would subscribe for IPOs
64 million. In addition, the company has continued its plan to proceed on the debts restructuring with aim to strengthen the financial status, reduce the burden of interest payment and improve
sales. These measures are expected to enhance sales efficiency and return moving forward. • International revenues and others were Bt6,564mn decreasing 0.4% YoY from a decline in IDD service which was
. In this regard, if the intermediaries proceed differently from this practice guidelines, the intermediaries shall have an obligation in proving that such proceeding is still under the principles and
intermediaries proceed differently from this practice guidelines, the intermediaries shall have an obligation in proving that such proceeding is still under the principles and provisions of the Notification No