Rules relating to Private Equity Trust and Trusteeship
Re: Guidelines Relating to Operating Systems of Fund Management Business
Rules relating to Private Equity Trust and Trusteeship
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 2/ 2 5 6 1 , Land purchased from the connected person and sell in investment of the subsidiary (Revised 2) Attention The President The Stock Exchange of
[i] the applicant and [ii] its parent company, subsidiary company, associated company, major shareholder or controlling person. For the purpose of calculation of such holding, shares held by connected
the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ meeting, Connected Transaction, the Asset Acquisition Transaction and to fix the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders no.1/2019 To
Thai accounting standards, i.e. (1) no cash flow statement included and (2) incomplete and incorrect information disclosures such as no disclosure of some connected transactions, figures as shown in
:- Information on Connected Transaction relating asset or service 1. Transaction Date : June – November 2020 2. Connected Parties : Buyer : Kang Yong Electric Public Company Limited => KYE Seller : Mitsubishi
Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 2/ 2 5 6 1 , Land purchased from the connected person and sell in investment of the subsidiary (Revised) Attention The President The Stock Exchange of
1 (Translation) No. JKNGB-002-11/2019 November 14, 2019 Re: Information Memorandum on Connected Transactions of JKN Global Media Public Company Limited Attn.: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand