ทัช ำระรำคำค่ำหุน้แล้ว 4) ส ำนักงำนควรพิจำรณำกำรก ำหนดกำรเปลี่ยนแปลงของ ระดับควำมผันผวนที่ใช้ในกำรค ำนวณค่ำควำมเสี่ยงวิธี scenario approach ซ่ึงปัจจบุันใช้กำรเปลี่ยนแปลงของควำมผนัผวนที่ 25% ส ำนักงำนรับ
of local businesses, their workers as well as increased household debt. Moreover, recovery on tourist and export sectors, key engines for Thai economy, still mainly depend on large scale vaccination in
trend. Amid the trade rift which may make the global economic recovery vulnerable, however, many central banks are likely to adopt a cautious stance in their monetary policy while also placing their focus
ตลาดตราสารหนี้ • ปรับปรุงแผนกอบกู้และเลิกกิจการ (recovery and wind-down plan) ของ สำนักหักบัญชี (“Thailand Clearing House: “TCH”) ให้สอดคล้องกับมาตรฐานสากล • พัฒนาแผนรับมือความเสี ่ยงของกองทุนรวมและจัดทำ
aim to address this knowledge gap. They provide private enterprises with a common language and approach to fully integrate the SDGs into all business and investment decision-making processes, in line
' structure notes securities with embedded options 3 exotic derivatives +,". (.* % 3&' # !#-!'3' #)#3 0' J0 0 building-block approach " K /0.' / .( 0 3 ."'* /0.$#%3#%] (.+Z" +,'$ 3. (% #-!'# 4
required to employ Value-at-Risk (VaR) approach in determining global exposure to better reflect market risk. Also, the funds must run stress test and back test along with disclosing information on VaR in
in market capitalization approach in share listing, Thai medium-sized firms operating in the targeted industries under the BCG model as well as large foreign firms that create economic benefits to
proposed granting corporate income tax exemptions to “mutual funds” whose units are subscribed solely by provident funds. In light of this approach, SEC is revising the regulations on establishing mutual
, embraces transition to change, creates awareness, supports and facilitates, and fosters engagement to ensure a smooth, effective and sustainable transition.“Most importantly, the SEC’s hands-on approach to