compared to the past year. In addition, the tax expense of the company is forecasted to grow as the Sriracha Power Plant has fully utilized BOI benefits for tax exemption in 2017 and the many BOI benefits
Forum Deputies’ Meeting to follow up on the progress of ACMF Working Groups, which facilitate cooperation among key regional organizations in developing regional capital markets linkage and
Pittayasophon, provided an update on the progress of the Strong Securities Issuers Project to enhance the quality of listed companies and the duty performance of personnel in the capital market, with the main
Phuket Fantasea. Accordingly, the Company’s Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 5/2015 on the 27th May 2015 had a resolution to acknowledge the construction progress of Carnival Magic Project with an
tax exemption, investors may invest in SSF investment units at an amount not exceeding 30 percent of their annual income and, in any case, not more than 200,000 baht per year.
Investment Schemes (Thai ASEAN CIS). To begin with, the first one provides an exemption of unit holding limit up to one-third of all units sold (the One-Third Rule) for Thai ASEAN CIS in the portion offered to
Investment Schemes (Thai ASEAN CIS). To begin with, the first one provides an exemption of unit holding limit up to one-third of all units sold (the One-Third Rule) for Thai ASEAN CIS in the portion offered to
shareholders? meeting has approved the exemption from making a tender offer based on sufficient and accurate information. This is because a whitewash exemption can affect the shareholders of a business as it
, Nakorn Ratchasima. 30380 Tel: (66) 4429 1333, Fax: (66) 4429 1723 Website: IR 008/100/2019 October 31,2019 Subject : Progress of the share acquisition of Thai Thanan Company Limited
:09 Report on the progress of a subsidiary company establishment (additional share acquisition in a joint venture company: Sabaijai Money Co., Ltd.) and preparation for the sale of shares of a