Re: Particulars of Notice Calling Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for Issuance and Offer of Securities for Sale
- Translation - Tender Offer for Securities (Form 247-4) Of Glow Energy Public Company Limited By Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (The Tender Offeror) The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited And Phatra Securities Public Company Limited (Tender Offer Preparers) Phatra Securities Public Company Limited (Tender Offer Agent) “This English language translation of the Tender Offer has been prepared solely for the convenience of the foreign shareholders of Glow Energy Public Company...
gain, the result will be loss at 17.55 million baht. However, we also have extra expense for acquire FKR at 11.9 million baht. After remove extra profit and extra expense, the result of actual operation
allocation and offering of the Company’s newly issued ordinary shares at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2017, the Company must obtain an approval from the SEC to offer the newly issued
B.E. 2535. Moreover, in case that such performance of duty causes a director or his/her related person to obtain undue benefit, the shareholders shall be entitled to file a lawsuit to claim for such
(“NBC”) in the total value of 70.00 million Baht having details as follows: 1) the Company to sell the “Komchadluek” trademark to NBC; and 2) the Company to procure Komchadluek Media Co., Ltd. (“KMM”), a
Company which expected to complete by January 2019. Therefore, the Company is required to procure all lessees to pay such rental fees by way of granting loan from the Company to the lessees. There are 3
disclose the legal advisor’s opinion whether the REIT would be allowed to acquire and hold a real estate under the law of such foreign country; 2.8 in the case of procuring of loan, specify the following
Future Growth In order to acquire shares of Glow Energy Public Company Limited (“GLOW”), the company had obtained a short -term loan from financial institution and major shareholders to make the payment to
lower than the par value of ordinary shares of the Company, therefore the Company is required to obtain an approval for the shareholders’ meeting, pursuant to Section 52 of the Public Limited Company B.E