, and Mr. Saran Lertcharoenwongsa, the land procurement coordinator and financial manager, jointly approved the purchase of land for the construction of a waste-to-energy biomass power plant and plastic
FY2019 Bangchak Corporation Plc. | 03 Table of Contents 06 09 29 25 27 31 Executive Important Events Summary Business Performance 11 - Refinery & Trading 16 - Marketing 19 - Power Plant 21 - Bio-based
& Trading Business Group 11 Marketing Business Group 13 Power Plant Business Group 14 Bio-Based Products Business Group 16 Natural Resources Business Group 18 Statement of Financial Position 20 Cash Flows
/201911/19104563.pdf 18057832.pdf electrical generating capacity; 4.1.2 HHPC hydroelectric IPP plant located in Attapeu province, Laos PDR with 152 MW of electrical generating capacity; 4.1.3 GHECO-One
Bangchak Corporation Plc. Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation For Quarter 1/2020 11 - Refinery & Trading 16 - Marketing 19 - Power Plant 21 - Bio-based Products 23 - Natural
%) 751.4 680.5 (9.4%) Sales of electricity to Industrial Users (IU) 1.3 1.1 1.4 27.3% 7.7% 2.9 2.5 (13.8%) Sales of steam (IU) 4.4 2.5 2.9 16.0% (34.1%) 9.3 5.4 (41.9%) Sales from Natural Gas Power Plant
1.9 0.8 72.7% 13.3 8.4 (4.9) (36.8%) Sales from Natural Gas Power Plant 422.3 466.9 507.7 568.3 60.6 11.9% 1,814.5 1,965.2 150.7 8.3% Sales of electricity - FiT, base tariff and Ft 70.1 72.2 59.5 74.1
% Power Plant Business3/ 568 781 812 43% 4% 2,559 3,088 21% Bio-Based Product Business4/ 131 159 132 1% -17% 326 529 62% Resource Business5/ 71 44 16 -77% -62% 323 286 -11% Others (0.3) (35) (30) N/A 13% 99
Significant events for 2020 to present The acquisition and transfered of 3 biomass power plant companies with total installed power generation capacity of 26.9 MW from UA Withya Public Company Limited On 21
Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 2 03 Table of Contents 06 08 21 24 26 28 Executive Statement Summary of Income Business Performance 8 - Refinery & Trading 13 - Marketing 15 - Power Plant 17 - Bio-based Products