. subordinated liabilities being unsecured which have the remaining maturity period of more than one year as from the calculating date, and have not determined the condition to repay before the maturity date
the remaining maturity period of more than one year as from the calculating date, and have not determined the condition to repay before the maturity date within one year, unless such condition has been
liabilities” means: (a) all of the liabilities shown in the financial statements, excluding the following liabilities; 1. subordinated liabilities being unsecured which have the remaining maturity period of
Offerings Classified by Type of Rating Download data Debt Securities Offerings Classified by Type of Maturity Date Download data Outstanding Value of Debt Securities Classified by Type of Holder Download data
-district, Klong Samwa District, Bangkok. The meeting contains matters for consideration as follows: (1) an extension of maturity period for redemption for one year and six months, to be due on
an electronic channel (E-meeting) to consider the following matters: (1) an extension of maturity period for bond redemption by one year and six months, revising the due date to 30 June
liquidity for accommodating investment unit redemption. In this regard, such funds will be allowed to invest only in high quality, high liquidity securities and the maturity of all securities in the portfolio
percent of the term funds were offered to retail investors. The key specific characteristics of term fund are the inability to redeem investment units before maturity date and the possibility of
: SMEs Alternative Fundraising Instrument,? held today at the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Apart from flexibility of fund size, maturity term and collateral option ? which incurs lower costs on issuers
decision, for example, maturity date, type of fund, investment policy, risk factors and performance. For advertisement on group of mutual funds where it is not practical to provide all significant