With a view to promoting listed company directors and management to perform their duties honestly and for companies? best interest, the SEC introduced a ?Director?s Handbook? to build up better
With a view to elevating corporate governance of listed companies, the SEC aims for all of them to comply with the 15 CG principles, place importance on roles and duties of directors including
Bangkok, February 12, 2013 ? The SEC places a high priority on raising the quality of information disclosure of listed companies, particularly management discussion and analysis (MD&A) in the annual
Waste Campaign using our office building on Vibhavadi Road as the starting point. We invite listed companies, our neighbors on Vibhavadi Road, to join the campaign which we hope will stimulate more
Bangkok, December 19, 2012 ? The SEC has encouraged listed firms to join e-Tax Invoice system to help reduce operational costs as well as the chances of fraud and corruption. The electronic system is
Bangkok, August 15, 2013 ? The SEC, the Thai Investors Association (TIA) and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA) co-announced Thai listed companies? success in the 2013 Annual General
Bangkok, October 15, 2014 ? The SEC supported Thaipat Institute in announcement on progress level assessment of Thai listed companies? anti-corruption (anti-corruption progress indicator). The
Bangkok, September 11, 2014 ?The SEC is seeking public comment on draft regulations on termination of listed company?s duty to disclose information under Section 56 and duty of directors and
The SEC approved guidelines for improving quality of financial statements of listed companies as follows: (1) Improving auditor?s report to be concise and comprehensive and at the same time to
ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 18/04/2022 - 29/04/2022