status checking, stop cheque, and account status checking. 3.3 LH Bank PromptPay Service is a new service to transfer funds for decrease cash transactions by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone
Analysis for the Second Quarter ended 30 June 2017 Page 7/23 3.3 LH Bank PromptPay Service is a new service to transfer funds for decrease cash transactions by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone
Service is a new service to transfer funds for reducing the cash handing by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone numbers with LH Bank’s account number to transfer or receive money easily. 3.4
new service to transfer funds for reducing the cash handing by linking the citizen ID card or mobile phone numbers with LH Bank’s account number to transfer or receive money easily. 3.4 Automatic Teller
aims to improve the area’s infrastructure by adding a new thoroughfare to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance convenience for commuters by linking Bangkok MRT (Mass Rapid Transit underground) and
aims to improve the area’s infrastructure by adding a new thoroughfare to alleviate traffic congestion and enhance convenience for commuters by linking Bangkok MRT (Mass Rapid Transit underground) and
.) CentralPlaza Rama 2 to be The Largest Regional mall - Gateway of South Bangkok connecting all inner city border to transform those area to be the ‘New Urbanized Districts’ whilst allocate 37 rais to develop a
connecting between urban life and nature. And NINYA KALLAPAPRUEK, a twin-home project with 144 units and living space of 154-230 sq.m. per unit. The total project value is more than THB 1,500 mn and is located
ICGN Guidance on Integrated Business Reporting Influencing • Connecting • Informing Published by the International Corporate Governance Network 2015. 2nd Edition All rights reserved. Dissemination of
connecting transactions or transactions that may have conflicts of interest to ensure that they are accurate, complete and in compliance with rules and regulations of the supervising agencies as well as