not be approved from the shareholders meeting. Agenda 4 Others (if any) 6. Settle the name list of shareholders who have right to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2020
customer defaults on an obligation under derivatives transaction the derivatives business operator shall give notice to the customer to settle such obligation within a reasonable period of time. If the
customer defaults on an obligation under derivatives transaction the derivatives business operator shall give notice to the customer to settle such obligation within a reasonable period of time. If the
งานก ากบัดูแลท่ีเก่ียวขอ้ง Custodian Bank ต่างประเทศ* หรือตวัแทนฯ ต่างประเทศ โอนเงินค่าขายหลกัทรัพย/์ปิด ฐานะอนุพนัธ์มายงั ธพ. ไทย* ธพ. ไทย* settle hedge position ใหลู้กคา้ก่อน โอนเงินส่วนท่ีเหลือ คืน
Settle u/l TCR Issuer ตองนําสงขอมูลรายละเอียดหลักทรัพยใหกับตลท. และบริษัท ศูนยรับฝากหลักทรัพย (สําหรบักรณีที่ตองการใหบริษัท ศนูยรับฝากฯ ทาํหนาที่เปน นายทะเบียน) โดยขอมูลที่ตองนําสง ก็เชน
baht respectively. The financing part was net Baht -114.04 million by drawing up short term loan 104.88 million to settle trade creditors and payment of dividend by Baht -218.92 million. In total, net
company to borrow at Baht 89 million to settle loans from its former subsidiary director, dividend payment paid Baht 88 million, repayment long- term loan to financial institutions Baht 24 million, front
in liabilities was mainly drawing of the short term fund from financial institution to settle the trade payable. 2.3 Shareholders’ equity As at 30th Sept 2017 and 31st March 2017, shareholders’ equity
investment and cash received from exercised warrants of THB 192mn (96mn units with exercise price of THB 2 per share. The increase was offset by cash paid to settle payables for investment in Multi Sign of THB
resolved to settle income of Dusit Thani Guam Resort arising from 2015 operation into 2016. However, Dusit Thani Guam Resort, Dusit Thani Lakeview Kairo, and Dust Thani Abu Dhabi delivered stronger