partly down to CPN’s continuous effort to conserve energy usage. Hence, the cost-to-revenue ratio is expected to be similar to the magnitude of last year amidst the increasing trend of electricity Ft rate
period a year earlier amidst the continuous rise in electricity Ft rate since the middle of 2017. CPN, meanwhile, achieved efficiency gains with the reduction in electricity unit consumption compared to
period a year earlier amidst the continuous rise in electricity Ft rate since the middle of 2017. CPN, meanwhile, achieved efficiency gains with the reduction in electricity unit consumption compared to
mall operations, increased from the same period a year earlier amidst the continuous rise in electricity Ft rate throughout 2018. CPN, meanwhile, achieved efficiency gains with the reduction in
Phuket Floresta. • Utility costs, a major component (accounts for approximately 30% of cost of rent and services) for shopping mall operations, increased from the same period a year earlier amidst the
services) for shopping mall operations, increased from the same period a year earlier amidst the continuous rise in electricity Ft rate throughout 2019. CPN, meanwhile, utilized more electricity unit Central
Emerging Technology Risk Amid the proliferation of innovative technologies, new business formats have sprung up to accommodate changing customer lifestyles in the digital era. As technological innovations
ensure their reporting is aligned with local and international standards . The SET has also launched a number of innovative sustainable finance products or market development initiatives to strengthen
investment is in line with the Company’s business strategy to expand the natural resources business which could be integrated with innovative energy business in order to increase corporate value and diversify
ติภณัฑ์ทางเทคนิคอื่นๆ ทัง้นี ้นบัตัง้แต ่Sinterama ได้เร่ิมก่อตัง้ขึน้ในปี 2511 นัน้ Sinterama มีการน าเสนอแนวทาง แก้ปัญหาเชิงนวตักรรม (Innovative Solutions) และมีการลงทนุในด้านการวจิยัผลติภณัฑ์ที่