% - EGCO : The operating result was increased by Baht 1,521 million mainly due to interest income from loan to EGCO Plus and recognition of gain on disposal in North Pole. Additionally, interest expense was
to assist investors through the support of the Thaipat Institute by launching indicators to monitor listed companies in the areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR Progress Indicator) and efforts
) (12) 148 141 (8) (1) 29 16 18 19 12 13 20 20 Other Subsidiaries in Power Generation business (continue) : Unit : Million Baht Theppana EGCO Cogen Chaiyaphum* North Pole Banpong** Total Change Increase
of sale was increased due to liquidated damages from lower water level. EGCO Plus (Include Gen Plus B.V. and North Pole): Unit : Million Baht Quarter 3 Increase/(Decrease) 2020 2019 Amount
time-lag; this can highlight the importance of relevant non-financial measures to the extent they may act as a lead indicator of future performance. It is also important to avoid measuring too many
วัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเป็น indicator กำรใช้ข้อมูลภำยในของผู้มีหน้ำที่ รำยงำนในขณะที่มำตรำ 246 มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อต้องกำรทรำบควำมเคลื่อนไหวของบุคคลที่อำจมี control ใน บจ. ดังนั้น กำรได้หลักทรัพย์ตำมธุรกรรม SBL ของผู้
introduced the Co rruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as an indicator of the perceived levels of corruption in each country. The assessment has been conducted annually since then. On legal framework
introduced the Co rruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as an indicator of the perceived levels of corruption in each country. The assessment has been conducted annually since then. On legal framework
introduced the Co rruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as an indicator of the perceived levels of corruption in each country. The assessment has been conducted annually since then. On legal framework
introduced the Co rruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as an indicator of the perceived levels of corruption in each country. The assessment has been conducted annually since then. On legal framework