December 2019. Current liabilities decreased Baht 13,408 million due to: Other payables and accrued expenses decreased by Baht 6,012 million mainly from the debt to equity conversion program and reclassify
20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Annual Report 2012 SEC ANNUAL REPORT 20122 THE YEAR OF CHANGE The year 2012 was the time for change to become the visionary partner whose balance between proactive and preventive approaches has led to stakeholders’ confidence in the Thai capital market. THE YEAR OF CHANGE 20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 02 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAiRMAN 04 MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAl 06 SEC BOARd 09 CApiTAl MARkET SupERviSORY BOARd 12 ExECuTivE OFFiCERS 13 O...
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-month period ended of June 30, 2018 • The analysis of financial position as at June 30, 2018 The analysis of operating results for the six-month period ended of June 30, 2018 Comparing accumulated
at the rate of 8.50% per annum and reversed the accrued interest which has been recorded at the default rate of 15%, accumulated from the default date until the beginning of 2018 to be the rate of 8.50
Company has recorded interest expenses for the year 2018 at the rate of 8.50% per annum and reversed the accrued interest which has been recorded at the default rate of 15%, accumulated from the default
respectively. An increase of 788.5 million baht, or 89.93%, compared on the same period from last year. In the period of 9 months ended September 30, 2016 and 2017, accumulated amount of 1,868.1 million baht and
business operation, as the Company has continuous accumulated loss. Thus, the Page 3 Company considers the business restructure of the Company for purpose of handling the impacts from the downturn of the
be gained does not worth the cost to be incurred in complying with the said rules or conditions; (2) the management company is subject to restrictions under other laws incapacitating the management
be gained does not worth the cost to be incurred in complying with the said rules or conditions; (2) the management company is subject to restrictions under other laws incapacitating the management