corporate governance, allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets as we gained wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous awards we received in 2018. C
recognition since mid Nov-23 from the acquisition of TTTBB to expand broadband business. FBB business sustained growth momentum propelled by quality expansion and TTTBB acquisition. Fixed broadband revenue
such board of directors; (1) management of information technology risks which covers identification, assessment, and control of risks within the organization’s acceptable level; (2) allocation and
by such board of directors; (1) management of information technology risks which covers identification, assessment, and control of risks within the organization’s acceptable level; (2) allocation and
by such board of directors; (1) management of information technology risks which covers identification, assessment, and control of risks within the organization’s acceptable level; (2) allocation and
data: 1.1 Definitions and examples of data collected by the SEC Office Personal data: Data of a personal nature, for example, identification number/passport number, title, name, surname (Thai/English
data: 1.1 Definitions and examples of data collected by the SEC Office Personal data: Data of a personal nature, for example, identification number/passport number, title, name, surname (Thai/English
สามารถไปถึงมือ ผู้ที่ควรได้รับจริง ๆ อีกท้ังการเข้าถึงบริการที่ส าคัญ ๆ เช่น สถาบันการเงิน ก็เป็นไปได้ยาก รัฐบาลอินเดียเล็งเห็น ถึงปัญหานี้จึงจัดตั้งหน่วยงาน Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI
กำรเข้ำถึงบริกำรที่ส ำคัญ ๆ อย่ำงเช่น สถำบันกำรเงิน ก็เป็นไปได้ยำกด้วย รัฐบำลอินเดียเล็งเห็น ถึงปัญหำนี้จึงจัดตั้งหน่วยงำน Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)1 ขึ้นเพ่ือแก้ปัญหำดังกล่ำว ใน
business targets as we gained wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous awards we received in 2017. Under our redefined strategies for the next three years, KBank