, regulations, notifications, orders, or directions that are generally applicable shall come into force upon publication in the Government Gazette.
, regulations, notifications, orders, or directions that are generally applicable shall come into force upon publication in the Government Gazette.
any liabilities, its financial statements were not in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards. The SEC thus instructed JAS to rectify those financial statements by recognizing the
use since 2003 while the market landscape and the business operation have generally become more diversified and more complex. This proposed amendment would fine-tune the governing rules and prevent
use since 2003 while the market landscape and the business operation have generally become more diversified and more complex. This proposed amendment would fine-tune the governing rules and prevent
late 2018. Most stakeholders from the business sector and the mutual fund industry generally submitted positive responses supporting the principles. The amendments drafted under the principle-based
reliably estimate the additional liabilities.As JAS has not recognized any liabilities, its financial statements were not in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards. The SEC thus
because 77% of total share price had already been paid to the prospective seller, the proportion of which was relatively high comparing to the condition generally prescribed in sale contract. Due to its
enormous potential to grow the Company’s scale of business operations from fundamental perspective. Such a transaction is not considered a connected transaction as defined by the Notifications of the Capital
to be the ‘New Urbanized Districts’ whilst allocate 37 rais to develop a huge green area, “Central Plearn Park” and 2.) CentralPlaza Ramindra, under the concept of ‘Living Lab of Ramindra’ to assist an