23160829.29 2023-04-09 DA121 2023 1 สินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลที่มีมูลค่าซื้อขาย ลำดับ 2 GALA (GALA) 1132464151 1935690.15 2023-04-09 DA121 2023 2 สินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลที่มีมูลค่าซื้อขาย ลำดับ 5 GRT (The Graph) 31376339.03
Operator หรือ ตัวแทน (“local representative”) ซ่ึงเป็น ผู้ยื่นค าขอตรวจสอบลักษณะหนว่ยของ ASEAN CIS ในประเทศไทย (“ผู้ยื่นค าขอฯ”) จะต้องระบจุ านวนเงนิทีจ่ะ เสนอขายในประเทศไทยเป็นสกลุเงินบาท และระบุช่ือ ผู้รับ
.................................................................................................................................. 69 5. Local environmental issues, causes, and mitigation ................................................ 72 6. Vital national policies related to GHG reduction
prominent place at the office of such securities company, published in at least one local daily newspaper, and one copy shall be submitted to the SEC Office. This case is expired. SEC Act S.106
conducting this public hearing on the proposed amendments to the relevant regulations, with the essences summarized as follows: (1) Prohibiting local securities companies from accepting orders of purchase
conducting this public hearing on the proposed amendments to the relevant regulations, with the essences summarized as follows: (1) Prohibiting local securities companies from accepting orders of
Bank /*# %B`&* ". $% /*( Custodian Bank )# TCR Issuer 0G"H
funding for its own production. This is to maintain market share and to meet demand for HRC local customers. However, the domestic steel industry has been affected by a trade war between China and the
process and try to obtain new funding for its own production. This is to maintain market share and to meet demand for HRC local customers. However, the domestic steel industry has been affected by a trade
. Asia Contrary to how the Asian graph reflects lower earnings, busi- ness sentiments are starting to im- prove. EBITDA and ROCE were weak for the quarter and LTM due to de-consolidation on India PET