deferred income tax liability of 1,412 million Baht. Major items of liabilities include short-term loans from financial institutions of 3,059 million Baht, current portion of long-term loans from financial
Green Ad Co., Ltd. (“Green Ad”), the subsidiary whose 100 percent shares held by the Company, to acquire the ordinary shares in Gold Star Group Company Limited (“GSG”), a private limited liability company
million Baht. This comprised of financing costs of 976 million Baht and capitalized interest of 482 million Baht. The rise in the costs was due to increased loans funding the construction of “MahaSamutr
Baht. The rise in the costs was due to increased loans funding the construction of “MahaSamutr” and “Nimit Langsuan” projects and the expansion of DEAN & DELUCA in the United States while the Company has
to increased loans funding the construction of “MahaSamutr” and “Nimit Langsuan” projects and the expansion of DEAN & DELUCA in the United States while the Company has continued to pay back the loan
to increased loans funding the construction of “MahaSamutr” and “Nimit Langsuan” projects and the expansion of DEAN & DELUCA in the United States. Meanwhile, the Company has continued to pay back the
to increased loans funding the construction of “MahaSamutr” and “Nimit Langsuan” projects and the expansion of DEAN & DELUCA in the United States. Meanwhile, the Company has continued to pay back the
Company for fully subscribing the Right-Offering of THB 1,502.67 million. This funding amount will help in reducing financial costs and providing additional working capital for production. Overview of World
พฤษภำคม 2558 1.2 ตั้งแต่ประกำศ crowdfunding มีผลใชบ้งัคบัเม่ือวนัท่ี 16 พฤษภำคม 2558 ยงัไม่มี ผูไ้ดรั้บควำมเห็นชอบเป็น funding portal เน่ืองจำกอุปสรรคประกำรหน่ึง คือ funding portal ยงัหำ ผูเ้ก็บรักษำเงิน
ไซตข์องส ำนกังำน และกำรรับฟัง ควำมคิดเห็นเฉพำะกลุ่ม (“focus group”) กบัผูป้ระกอบกิจกำร startup ผูส้นใจประกอบธุรกิจเป็น funding portal และท่ีปรึกษำ กฎหมำย 2. เม่ือวนัที่ 30 กนัยำยน 2558 ถึง 30 ตุลำคม 2558